Friday, January 17, 2014

Your Slow Cooker And The Low Carb Lifestyle

The Low Carb Lifestyle Is Not Just Another Diet

Has this happened to you? You say, "I'm going on a diet." They say, "Oh no! That means we're eating nothing but lettuce again."

How do you explain to your family that eating low carb is NOT just another diet? Even though the word 'diet' is commonly used when talking about eating low carb, the truth is anyone who truly follows this type of diet is actually making lifestyle changes. In other words, a low carb lifestyle is more about healthy eating habits than it is about dieting.

But, your family hears the word 'diet' and they panic. Let's face it, your family thinks they're going to starve.
We're going to try to answer a few of your family's most pressing questions when it comes to following a low carb diet... I mean lifestyle. These are typical concerns that a family member may have when you announce your intentions to follow a low carb lifestyle.

What do you mean we're eating a 'low carb diet?'

A diet that is 'low carb' is based on reducing 'bad carbs' and replacing them with 'good carbs.' There is also an increase in protein in this type of diet. But the focus is on getting the 'bad carbs' out of our diet. However, a diet that is too high in good carbs can also be unhealthy. You have to balance good carbs with plenty of fiber and protein, too.

What are 'bad carbs?'

Most anything that is full of sugar is a bad carb. Now some foods you can guess; cake and cookies, for instance. But, the confusing part for many people is that some foods don't seem to have sugar, but they do. Pasta and bread are good examples because they don't taste sweet, but they are high in carbs. If you're eating pasta and bread made with refined flour, it turns into sugar very quickly in the body. This makes 'white' bread and pasta 'bad carbs.'

No spaghetti? No sandwiches? What can I eat?

Don't panic! We can have whole wheat spaghetti noodles and eat sandwiches on whole grain bread. Eliminating refined white flour from our diet doesn't mean we can't eat what we love. We are just going to eat a healthier version. You'll even be able to eat pizza, chicken nuggets, and burritos - all by choosing whole grain or other low carb or 'good carb' ingredients.

What are 'good carbs?'

The focus should be on fresh vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. You can even add dried beans to this list, keeping in mind the fiber content and protein makes them more acceptable in a low carb diet. Which is confusing, I know. Then there are some 'good carbs' that may not be good on a 'low carb' diet. For instance, potatoes and other high starch vegetables may be eliminated from a low carb diet because of their high carb content, even though they are not necessarily bad carbs. Sweet potatoes, peas, corn, and most fruits are also no-no's, especially during the first phases of a low carb diet.

Wait. Phases? What are phases? 

Most low carb diet programs are divided into several phases to kick-start the body into burning fat. Often, the first phases require the dieter to eliminate most if not all carbohydrates from their diet. This can be severe, but it is usually limited to two weeks or less. Once this phase is over, then whole grains, brown and wild rice, and most vegetables and fruits are reintroduced, but slowly.

Is this one of those 'protein diets' I've heard about?

Although protein is important in this or any diet, eating protein alone without any carbohydrates is dangerous. It may seem at first like there's more protein on a low carb diet than normal, but truthfully your plate will soon be filled mostly with good carbs like vegetables and whole grains, and protein will be next in proportion, then a small portion of starches or other carbs.

Why is this a 'lifestyle' and not a 'diet?'

Because eating healthy is not a diet. Choosing whole foods that are less processed is the right way to eat. The further we get from processed, prepackaged foods the healthier we will be. Serving foods that are balanced in good carbs, high fiber, and lots of nutrients is a lifestyle, not a diet. When you look at a plate that is colorful, textured, and nutritious, you know you are eating right.

So, we don't have to eat just lettuce?

No. We may have lots of salads, but they will be much, much more than lettuce! There is a world of healthy foods that fit in well with salads, and we'll be exploring them all.

Can we still use the slow cooker on a low carb diet?

Of course we can. Many of the foods we'll be cooking are actually heartier than their prepackaged counterparts. Ingredients like brown rice and whole wheat pasta will hold up better in the slow cooker and not get mushy. Of course, many of the more fibrous vegetables also do very well in the slow cooker. And, with plenty of protein on the menu, the crockpot is the perfect appliance to keep handy.

If the mention of a 'low carb diet' has your family afraid of losing their big heaping plates of bad carbs and sugars, reassure them by giving them the good news. There are many ways to enjoy their favorite foods without overloading on bad carbs. Hearty meals are definitely possible while living a low carb lifestyle. Your family may even admit that they are far from starving!

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