Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Secrets Every Great Cook Need To Know

It is important to be always learning new cooking skills, even if you're just cooking for family. When you know different methods and techniques, you could make an ordinary meal turn into something spectacular that will be requested again and again. This article will give you some great tips for livening up your meals.

Having knives that are very sharp is essential when cooking. If you try to cut using a dull knife, you will have a lot of difficulty, and it can also a very dangerous. You could easily cut yourself if you are trying to cut something up with a dull knife.

Long cooking processes, like boiling, can "zap" nutrients from foods, like vegetables. For the most nutritious vegetables, employ fast cooking methods or, better yet, consume raw veggies.

For healthier, lower-calorie mashed potatoes, add some cooked cauliflower to your tubers. Cauliflower blends perfectly with your potatoes without changing the taste of your mashed potatoes. Cauliflower also matches the color and texture of the potatoes. This is a great way to add veggies and eliminate calories from a favorite dish.

Are you using basil? Store the basil within a glass. Add some water to cover the stems. The basil can remain fresh for several days if it is placed in indirect sunlight. Most often times, basil will actually take root in water. If you maintain the basil by trimming the outgrowth, you can get quite a lot of free basil using this method.

Much like a sponge, the mushrooms will absorb the water. So, in order to clean them, wipe off each mushroom with a clean, wet cloth.

If you cooked with a sauce, save the leftover sauce in an ice cube tray that you can freeze. All you need to do next time you want to use it, is reheat in a saucepan. The sauce will remain edible even after being in an ice tray.

Figuring out how long meat should be grilled can be tough. Whenever you are grilling it is advisable to have a quality cooking thermometer handy to ensure thoroughly cooked meat. If possible use a digital meat thermometer to obtain a more accurate reading. If you have thick meat, more than a inch and a half, close the grill to make cooking time shorter.

If you are going to be making chicken stock, it is best to go big or not at all. If you make a large amount of stock you can freeze it for future use. You can use your homemade chicken stock for soups, casseroles and stews. To preserve your stock for future use, just simply make sure that it is stored in heavy duty freezer bags and frozen solid. This way the stock should keep for several months or so.

Try cooking your vegetables in chicken broth for an extra kick. Not only will the flavor be enhanced, but they will be lower in fat without the need for oils and butter. This method of cooking vegetables will be tasty and rich in nutrients.

Becoming a good cook is a lifelong learning process. The following tips can help you become a better cook, no matter how many people you are cooking for.

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