Monday, December 22, 2014

How To Choose A Healthier Holiday Season Banquet And Bar

During the last several months of the year, most of us have a reason or two to celebrate. The holidays can include religious observances, gift giving, programs, music, and perhaps dancing. But, at the center of these festivities usually lurks a table piled high with all sorts of indulgences - we're talking food and drink galore!

Yes, it's a party and you want to join in and enjoy everything. However, if you're like most people, you have limits. How can you have fun and stay on track with your healthy living? Let's take a look at a few ideas to keep you focused while partaking in the celebrations.

The Banquet

Don't let those delicious dishes hypnotize you. You're in charge here! You have your dietary limits clearly defined, so take a deep breath and ask yourself; "What food on this table really suits my healthy goals?"

Approach the holiday table slowly, with caution. Help yourself to small portions of those foods that are a part of your healthy diet. Enjoy. Give yourself time before choosing another morsel from another offering. Chew slowly and savor each tasty bite. Keep choosing foods that you know are nutritious.

After you've sampled the foods that are a healthy part of your diet, stop. Wait for these healthy foods to settle in and satisfy your appetite. If you're still hungry, go back for more foods that fit your diet. The idea is to fill your tummy with good, healthy foods before giving into temptation. If you have been practicing nutritious eating habits, you probably already have your body and digestive system trained to want good food. Giving your body the good food first may just satisfy your cravings.

But, we're only human. The delicious aromas of certain not-so-healthy foods may just keep calling your name. Even after you've eaten a fair share of healthy foods, you may succumb to those forbidden goodies. Go ahead and take one. Or, better yet, offer to cut one in half, or thirds, or quarters, and share with someone. Chances are pretty good that you'll find someone going through the same holiday dieting struggle. They will be happy to share.

When it comes time for dessert, there really isn't much you can do to escape the indulgence. You don't want to offend Grandma and not join in the praise when she serves up her family's secret recipe. But, you can limit yourself. Even Grandma understands the phrase; "I'll just have a sliver." You may end up having more than you wanted, but if you planned for this by watching what you ate during dinner, you should count this as a victory.

The Bar

As you're strolling past the buffet filled with all those delicious appetizers, picking just those morsels that fit your healthy eating habits, someone hands you a glass of wine or a cocktail. Maybe you take another pass at the buffet and suddenly your glass is empty. But, the host is Johnny-On-The-Spot and before you know it, you have another drink in your hand.

The holidays are a time of rejoicing. Food and drink are two ways we celebrate. However, most of us want to keep our caloric intake, sugar intake, and alcohol intake to a minimum, for many reasons.
Just like the banquet, the bar offers opportunities to enjoy, but also to stay on track with our healthy diet. There are several ways to keep from overindulging at the bar.

Mingling with a drink in your hand is fun, but it is also a way to lose track of how many glasses you have had filled. While you're nibbling on hors d'oeuvres, your host is anxious to keep your glass filled. You may not even be aware of how often your glass is 'topped off' before it's too late. Instead of wine or a cocktail, mingle with a glass of sparkling water or club soda. Your host will be happy to keep your glass filled and you will not go over your limit.

If you drink wine, save it for the dinner table. Most sit down dinners will have wine specifically chosen to complement the meal. If you have already had all the wine you should drink before dinner, you miss out on the fun during dinner - or you overindulge. Either way, it's not worth ruining your meal, and your health.

If after-dinner drinks are offered, weigh the pros and cons. If you're having dessert, too, you may want to opt out and have plain coffee or tea. Remember; this is a balancing act. You know you will need to make choices before, during, and after dinner, so choose wisely.

At the end of the day, you can be happy if you tried to satisfy your appetite with healthy choices, and only gave in to a few delicious treats. After all, the holidays only come around once a year, leaving us plenty of time to get back on track. Enjoy a Happy Healthy Holiday Season!

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